
Affirmation Life Tools

Here are Just a few of the Many Powerful Affirmation Life Tools


Affirmation Workshops and More


Affirmations are my passion as I am sure you have realized and they can be found, under my name, worldwide (YouTube) on the Web. As well as in my books at Amazon.com.  


I have been in the Personal Growth Field for many years, teaching, and conducting workshops on the Power of Properly Done Affirmations.  


I was co-chair of Kid’s Kamp. (INTA World Congress) Phoenix, AZ. At International New Thought Alliance I created and taught Children’s Affirmations for 5 years.I conducted many speaking engagements at local hospitals, health authorities, not-for profit agencies, and senior centres, in particular I lectured on a monthly basis for 17 years at Silver Harbour Senior Center, North Vancouver, BC. 

, and not-for profit agencies.

. Later it was my honour to be invited to lecture at the Canadian Conference of Community Oncology (COCO15) in Whistler, BC, Canada, on my Affirmation Life Tools. I also


Ask Dr. Evers Column in the Violet Ray Magazine (Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine) I contributed to this magazine on a monthly basis for many years.


Dr. Evers and her Affirmations are  like glasses of spiritual inspiration that  makes you whole every time you hear her heart and affirm her work. She commands the power of Affirmations (positive thinking) because she knows the power behind commands and belief. I love her cards of life and start my day every day  by choosing one as my morning inspiration.  Sarah Simmons


Affirmations have helped me change my life.  Reading Dr. Evers’ affirmation books and applying the principles in these books has created opportunities beyond my wildest dreams. In my opinion, her affirmation books not only helped me to have the things I desire, but also allowed me to be a better person. Having the opportunity to work with Dr. Evers, I have learned the most powerful prayer on the planet. This prayer was given to me by Dr. Evers. The prayer is: thank you, thank you, thank you! I now know that affirmations when properly done with love always work. Dr. Evers and I have also created a three-hour CD called Don’t Die With Your Dreams Inside.  Gregory L. Norman, Universal 7 Radio

Fear Affirmation Life Tool 


Fear is sometimes a major concern when taking chemo and/or other medical treatments. I have included a few extra Affirmation Life Tools to help you cope.


My Experience with Fear       

I found that in most of my experiences with negative side effects there was a real element of fear that came with it.

My immediate fear was that these side effect s would be permanent and I would have to deal with this situation the rest of my life.

Then the other types of fear came up such as “Would I need I be disabled and have to have people caring for me and on it went. I found that if I did not immediately deal with the fear star ed at the bottom of my feet and I would be crippled and much more. My choice here was to do hat I teach others going through this type of medical treatment.

I mentally accepted the worst that can happen. Then I immediately began to improve upon it.

 I accepted the fact that I was a cancer patient and taking chemotherapy and then I immediately started to think of ways that I could mitigate it or help myself deal with it.  This Affirmation Life Tool gave my mind something tangible and positive to think about. And as I said earlier, these Affirmation Life Tools do not take the side effects away. They really do help one cope and manage them a little more easily.





When using Affirmation Life Tools, I really felt that I had hope to carry on. I had had actual Affirmation Life Tools that I could use right then to help me. I personally found these fear Affirmation Life Tools very entertaining. They were fun and most of all very useful in my particular case. Still use them when those side effects try to hang around.


Remember the lamps you can purchase which come on when you clap your hands? When a negative side effect appears accompanied by a nasty, negative fear, use the Clap Affirmation Life Tool. Clap your hands and say, “that light is everywhere. There is nothing to be afraid of. The light is here to guide me!” This immediately changes your mood. Then say, “I am safe and secure”!








Stop Sign Affirmation Life Tool

 I use this tool in my many situations. When a negative side effect pops up with its companion fear, I pickup one of my Stop Signs, look at it and then say very loudly, “Stop”! At the same time I snap the elastic band on my wrist or stamp my foot. Then I visualize that fear going, going, gone! Now my thinking process has been redirected into a positive mode.



Fear is sometimes a major concern when taking chemo and/or other medical treatments. I have included a few extra Affirmations.



Clear, Search, Retrieve Affirmation Life Tool

When you wish to remember an incident, situation person’s name, answers for an exam, etc, use the Clear Search and Retrieve/download this Affirmation Life Tool. Sit quietly and gently close your eyes and totally relax, ‘taking several deep breaths. Say to yourself ‘Clear, Search, Retrieve/Download’ in ‘Clear your mind of worries, and feel your mind becoming clear and relaxed. Then say ‘Search’ and imagine finding your mental filing cabinet with the many folders it contains.


Search for the file folder that has the answer to the question that you wish to remember. Then say, ‘Retrieve, Download and mentally see, feel, and hear that file being downloaded into your mind. Say, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” in your mind and/or for the perfect answer. Usually, the answer will flash into your mind in seconds, minutes or hours. At certain times, it may take a little longer, maybe a day or so. Trust this process and know that it always works! Some of the chemo patients at our local hospital are having wonderful success using this Affirmation Life Tool and some patients are using it numerous times daily with great success.




The Clear Front and Back Affirmation Life Tool



My son David and I were going to the USA for an important meeting and we got stuck in heavy traffic on the freeway. I started to say the words “Angels please help us – clear front and back” over and over again. David asked me what I was doing talking to myself.  I smiled and just kept on saying those words very quietly and then in my mind. And the traffic started moving. David said “Wow I thought we would be here for hours. Nothing more was said until we were coming home and again we got involved in heavy traffic.

David looked at me and said,”Hey mom can you do that chant (woo-woo stuff ) that you were doing when we were stuck in traffic on the way down?” I said I certainly and again I asked for angelic help and lo and behold the traffic started moving, this time very quickly. David was very impressed and very quiet and years later, he told me that was a turning point in his life when he learned about angelic help that really did work! He used the same technique years later when he affirmed for a wife and it worked wonders for him.


Spiritual Disinfectant Affirmation Life Tool

 This is also a very powerful Affirmation Life Tool that you can use in numerous ways. The Process – Find a small spray bottle, fill it with water, and add a drop of one or two of your favourite essential oil. Or you may wish to try some oregano oil, which has strong antiviral and antibiotic properties. On masking tape write with a felt pen the following words Spiritual Disinfectant Affirmation Life Tool and place it on the spray bottle.Whenever you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, or among others who are negative or ill, spray some of your Spiritual Disinfectant around you. If that is not possible, visualize doing it in your mind knowing that your mind does not know the difference between the real and the imagined and proceeds on your instructions.  

One reader has great success with her Spray Tool. When her husband comes home in a grumpy mood, when he goes to the washroom, she grabs her spray bottle and sprays all around his chair and she swears that his mood changes for the better in about 15 minutes! She also said a positive and uplifting Short Form Affirmation. Try it yourself, it is fun and really works wonders!Just voted Number One! This Tool has and is helping many people, and one reader said when he uses it, it actually stops the pain for several hours and that he would not know what to do without it. It is my favourite as well.


1%+ Affirmation Life Tool

This 1% is a powerful Affirmation Life Tool that you can use for any health and/or other situation in your life. You can say TODAY, I am 1% better than I was yesterday. And as it works for you, you can increase the percentage to one that you believe can manifest as affirmed. This is a very powerful Affirmation Life Tool!


Magic Magnetic Circle Affirmation Life Tool



Stand with your arms outstretched and slowly turn (clockwise) saying:

”I,( your name) deserve and now magnetize into my Magic Magnetic Circle” 

(This process can be used for anything you wish to order up such as:) (1)a loving, lasting happy 

relationship, (2)career (3)money.)  I suggest that you turn slowly 7 times every day and see what great 

things happen in your life.


To support your Magic Magnetic Circle I suggest you also write out a Properly Done Affirmation.

To get help on writing out your Affirmation go to the ‘A-Z Affirmations’ section in my other website shown 

below and don’t forget to say each time you turn: “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. And so it is!” 


                                         For More About Affirmations  

                                         Visit: www.annemarieevers.com

The above Affirmation Life Tools are only a few of the many available on my other website. While you are there please check out my video section.  You will also find many Affirmations in the ‘A to Z’ section already written out for your interest and/or use, and for anyone who has suffered from the loss of a loved one, visit the 5 stages of Death and Dying..