


These are NOT tarot cards.

You are asking for help from your inner self (better known as your subconscious mind). This is where I always put a white light (dome of protection) over what I teach and always use the safety clause “to the good of all parties concerned” as a protection which I would also suggest that you do too when using them.

Close your eyes, think of a question. Be very specific.
Be very careful how you word your question
Refrain from wording your question-
“Will I meet my special love partner?”
Instead ask the question,
 “Will I meet my special love partner within the next three months?”(Be specific) When you have formulated your specific question, say,

“Please answer, thank you, thank you, thank you” and then
click onto the number you wish and your answer appears
You can keep asking questions.

I recommend you only ask 3 questions at one time.