Welcome to the KAP Program

KAP – A Triple “E” Program

KAP is Educational, Entertaining and Experimental.

  1. The Kids Affirmation Program (Children’s-Affirmation Program) teaches each child to be “the captain of his/her life” under the watchful and caring eyes and guidance of parents and supportive teachers, coaches, mentors, and other trusted community workers.
  2. Children learn to use affirmations to create and maintain positive self worth, health and lasting friendships with family, friends, and other members of the community.
  3. KAP provides a fun filled and safe learning environment that teaches children how to use affirmations and other strategies that result in positive daily living and learning, at school, at home, and at play. This interactive and experiential program affirms and strengthens each child’s sense of worth, personal value, and giftedness, and contribution to others.
  4. KAP (Kids Affirmation Program or Children’s Affirmation Program) is ideal for home, school, and families choosing home schooling as an option to educate their children.The learning modules can be easily integrated into faith-based schools or organizations. Parents, teachers, and/or community volunteers simply follow the step by step processes outlined in the program to reach the desired outcome.
  5. The learning modules are meant to serve as a springboard to inspire you and/or children to create other activities that are meaningful to your unique and special circumstances.
    Incorporating home-grown activities fosters greater personal ownership, responsibility, and accountability for this program.
    Enjoy this wonderful journey with the Kids.

Feedback from the Classroom

“Kids Affirmation Program – The Star Activity” “Attach Your Affirmation to a Star” .Keep your seat.. “Hold on Tight and There You Are”
I am a 2nd grade teacher. I love your idea of doing classroom Affirmation Stars. Our class cut out huge cardboard stars. We put a hole in the top to enable us to put a piece of yarn through to make a hanger. On one side we wrote the ‘Star Poem’ that you teach and on the others side, I had my students write out their own short Affirmation.
I gave them several examples on the board and they picked the subject they liked and make it personal. For example: “I am popular”; “I have many friends”; “I am a good speller”; “I get good marks”. etc.

I told them they could use whatever color scheme and/or background they wanted to. It was so interesting to see some of their creations. I asked our adult helper to hang them from the ceiling and to make the yarn long enough to hang down so they were readable. Now the first thing they do when they come into the room is to run and look to make sure their Star is still hanging from the ceiling.This proved to be a very exciting, fun learning tool for our class and now other teachers in our school are now doing similar exercises. Jeannie, Grade 2 Teacher, Phoenix , AZ

The Walkway of Fame
“Give Yourself and Others a Hand”
I just loved your Walkway of Fame Exercise. I integrated it into my classroom activities. At first some of my kids were shy and afraid to participate, but when they saw how much fun it was, one by one they joined in.I feel that this simple exercise really does help increase self-esteem and help the kids overcome their shyness of public speaking.
When observing their reaction, I was quite amazed. One girl cried and kept her head down the first time. After doing this exercise several times, she became the ‘STAR’.

Stephen, one of my more difficult students, did not want to join in. He sat there with his arms crossed and when we ignored him, he slowly but surely edged his way in. I have noticed the difference in Stephen as he really seems happier, more confident and especially more considerate of other students. There should be more programs such as yours and they should be in every school. Donna, Elementary School Teacher, Seattle, WA

Kids Affirmation Program – Ripple Effect
“Ripple Effect. Pass It On”
Had fun with your Ripple Exercise. My 6th grade class just loved dropping tiny rocks into the large bowl in my room and watching how the ripples went out in all directions. Then we had the discussion about, how can we stop the negative ripples.We also talked about words and actions, whether negative or positive are like ripples which ripple out into the world. It was very interesting and helpful to the class. Carl 6th grade Teacher, Vancouver, Canada

Kids Affirmation Program – Intersection of Your Life
“Who are You Hanging-out with at the Intersection of Your Life”
My Grade 7 class had fun with “Who’s Hanging Out at the Intersection of Your Life” Exercise.
During discussion period I encouraged feedback from the students on the type of people that were being described as friends. Some very uplifting and positive and others very negative and detrimental.I feel many benefited when they saw some of their friends through others’ eyes. Good idea. Thomas, Grade 7 School Teacher Bellingham, WA