The Fish Story

When my daughter Aren met her husband Dario, he had his own commercial fishing boat and company with many employees. One day when he was out fishing, he called Aren and said, “Please ask your mom to do that woo stuff to help us get our quota.” Aren called me and we created a properly done Affirmation to get his quota of fish.We read our affirmation over many times during the day and it worked! Dario called Aren and asked her to please stop! He had reached his quota and more.The fish were still coming, and they had to throw them back.This is my favourite “Fish Story” reminding me of the power of the spoken word (affirmations). When people ask me, “Do Affirmations really work?” This story proves it. Aren and My Testimonial!

Crossroads Hospice Society

Anne Marie helped the Crossroads Hospice Society by introducing them to the Magic Magnetic Circle** and Affirmations. This enabled the Society to raise $1,000.000 in capitol funds over 4 years to built their free standing Hospice.“Thank you, Anne Marie. You were the catalyst that enabled us to fulfill our dreams.” Linda Kozina, Hospice Manager, Crossroads Inlet Centre Hospice

** For directions on how to work this Magic Magnetic Circle please go to the Affirmation Life Tools.

Whenever Anne Marie Evers appears as a GUEST on my show, I get numerous phone calls, letters and emails from my viewers saying how her teachings on Affirmations and her Affirmation Life Tools have transformed their lives and given them the Affirmation Life Tools and confidence to go out and do something with their lives. David Ingram, M, Host of The Dr. Show on channel 4, North Vancouver, BC

Dear Anne Marie and Pastor Reg, We all are so thankful for building this unique Angel Chapel where we can come and visit and/or visit any time online. Love Cameron, Contact Talk Radio

We all love this cozy spot in the woods. There is such a sense of safety and serenity outside negative influences. I can not thank you both enough. God’s Love, Jonathan, World Traveller

Dr. Anne Marie Evers has done it again. This inspirational lady has been sharing her positive work with thousands of people worldwide via her books, lectures, Cards of Life, Kids’ Affirmation Programs and many other interesting programs. Anne Marie is still broadcasting programs to help people through the uncertain times. Spark Words are her newest venture to help and guide people and they do. I am using them daily and manifesting what I desire in my life. Give them a try. They really work! Thank you, Anne Marie for all you do for the world. Dr. Anne Marie Evers Affirmations Doctor now also known as Dr. Spark – has been teaching and sharing her knowledge about the power of properly done Affirmations, Affirmation Life Tools, Positive Thinking, Goal Setting, Mind Power, Thoughts, Words, Forgiveness, Self-Esteem, Creative Visualization and much more for many years. Love, Carole Matthews, Radio Personality, Ontario Canada

It is simply amazing how your Angel Chapel has manifested and has become such a special gift to the world. People are thrilled to find this quaint sanctuary nestled in the trees by a running creek (Affirmation Creek). Ramona, Overseas

Hello Dr Evers and Reg,
Joy, peace, hope, happiness, laughter all live here. What a beautiful healing energy in your Angel Chapel. I have no words to thank you enough for the peace and joy you have created here and for the love, help and hope, you provide all who wish to visit. Donald, a firm believer and follower of Affirmations

Dear Anne Marie,
You are a light and a blessing to me, Nahoku & family and to the World. You were born into this light as an angel, placed upon Earth to bring humans home to the remembrance of their light. May God care for you. Love without end! Kahuna Kalei, Big Island, Hawaii

This book is one of life’s gifts, like Anne Marie Evers herself. It’s astounding to realize just what is available to us all — the ability to positively affect the outcome of our lives simply from the resources that we all hold within ourselves. It’s even more astounding to see our wishes and goals come to fruition through the methods that Anne Marie generously shares with us. I think the most meaningful thing that happened since chancing upon meeting Anne Marie and reading her books, is the joy and confidence that all things are possible. These books are meant to be read and re-read for a lifetime. Bless you, Anne Marie, may everyone have this wonderful opportunity to be in contact with you. Thank you, thank you, Thank you. Olga a true believer in Affirmations, Scotland

Affirmations by Anne Marie Evers is the most interesting book I have ever read. Her books are amazing and extremely user-friendly. I became captivated during the first chapter and was unable to put these wonderful books down until I had devoured every scintillating word. I carry her books everywhere I go. They have helped myself and my daughter through a some very challenging times. I am so grateful to you, Anne Marie, for sharing your wisdom with us. I have a professional background in additions counselling and I have utilized many exercises in these books (affirmation life tools) to assist my clients with great success! Therefore, on behalf of myself, my family, my friends and my clients, THANK YOU! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! Do yourself a big favour and purchase Anne Marie’s books. Maya, Hawaii, USA

“On behalf of us “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.” This book is an easy read and very accessible as a support tool. The author should be applauded for this straightforward and high-impact book. I highly recommend it to people of all ages.” Tamara, United Kingdom

“This is the first time that I have ever written a letter to an author. It was my purchase of your book that really cemented my foundation for a wonderful life. I have read other books on affirmations over the years, but I have never found a book as magical as yours.” Deanna-Anne, Montreal, Canada

“This book is a little gem. If you follow Anne Marie’s advice, you will not only identify your goals but more importantly establish a path to reaching them.” Alan Dion, Vancouver, Canada

“This book has been a tremendous help for me. My life has become better, richer, and more fulfilling. It is my guiding light.” Richard Denault, Vancouver, Canada

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Your book is more than I ever imagined.I am amazed that the contents of your book address so many of the issues I have been working on. My heart is full and I am so grateful!” Cecilia, the US Minor Outlying Islands

“This is the most comprehensive, complete book on affirmations that I have ever read. Thank you for writing this great book.” Adrienne, Netherlands

“Since discovering your book, my whole world has changed. I am a walking affirmation. My entire outlook of my future has changed for the positive. I feel so great!” Vernon, Singapore

“I am a reader of your affirmations book. I believe this is the most useful book I have ever purchased for myself ! Thank you for making it available over the internet.” Patty, South Africa

“We are hooked on affirmations. My friend came over for a visit and she was very concerned about her financial situation and being very negative. I said, ‘I have a book for you to read, but I can’t part with mine even for a day, so I need another book’. “Thank you so much. My affirmations are working!” Natasha, Ukraine

” Our lives have been enriched by the knowledge in your book on how to make our special dreams a reality. Thank you for sharing this wonderful knowledge and yourself with the world. We call it the miracle book.” Sharon and Ted, New Zealand

“This is a great book, well written and easy to follow. In many ways, this book has changed my life. I am impressed with your internet work and website.” Janice, Australia

Testimonials from Happy Cards of Life Clients

Dear Anne Marie: My name is Dianne and I met you in Vancouver. I purchased a set of your Cards of Life and they have been extremely helpful for me. I enjoy their purity and love and the happy energy they bring me.Dianne, Amsterdam

When visiting your website I became intrigued with your Cards of Life. Their answers, wisdom and spiritual guidance. They were amazingly “spot on”. I know you came into my life at the right time. Funny how that happens. Much love. Tony, Director of Marketing, New Zealand.

When I hold the Cards of Life in my hands I feel such love and happiness from them. Linda, love those Cards of Life!

Your Cards of Life are so uplifting and hopeful. All my clients just love them. Lesley, reader of the Cards of Life, Whistler, BC. Canada

Every day I pull one of the Cards of Life for that day’s direction. Now it has become a happy and fun habit. I am purchasing sets of Cards of Life for our family and friends. Regards Brad, owner of my own company, Toronto, Ontario

I am hooked on the Cards of Life game and visit it daily. Heartfelt thanks William, Overseas

I have a hard time expressing myself. Having the Cards of Life reading with you changed my life and gave me a whole new perspective. I am beginning to feel whole and happier again. TKx3, Jonathan, New Mexico

(Remember to check out my Cards of Life section in this website)